Wednesday, July 22, 2009


dont be overawed or swayed by others including me - there's nothing wrong with a film with only women in it - or with being naturally woman-centred and trying to find the balance between modernity and tradition -it's a worthwhile effort
don't listen to what others say if it feels so negative that the criticism makes you want to pull back
go ahead and do what comes to you from the gut
dont give in to discouragement or self- flagellation which means thoughts like what i wrote is lousy my work is no good etc
all such emotionalism doesn't drive the work
real emotions do - like taking a camera and trying to shoot the moments between mother and daughter that matter, between grandmother and daughter, or the moments that make up the daughter , the myth, climactic monets, sexual moments etc. all this is being in the workshop -where it's not about too much self reflection but the work drives you

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